Dematic Pty Ltd, manufacturer of Colby Storage Solutions products, recently reached the milestone of surpassing 1,000 days lost time injury (LTI) free at its own Belrose manufacturing and warehousing facility. This means that the facility has seen no time lost to injury in more than 1,000 days.
We are proud of this achievement, where many of our staff operate or work near heavy equipment, such as forklifts, or automated warehouse systems, as well as handling a variety of objects including large and hazardous materials.

To put the milestone in context, Safe Work Australia in its National Dataset for Compensation-based Statistics found that in 2017-2018 work related injury within the manufacturing industry had the second highest frequency rate at 8.1 claims per million hours worked, while the transport, postal and warehousing industry had the third highest frequency rate at 7.7 serious claims per million hours worked. These industries were just behind the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry which had a rate of 8.6.
We all promote a culture of “Look after Yourself and Look after your Mates” and this milestone wouldn’t have been reached without the commitment of all of our managers, supervisors and staff.
Underpinning our safety culture is Dematic’s certification to the OHSAS 18001:2007 and AS/NZS 4801:2001 Safety management system standards and to the ISO14001 Environmental management system standard.
For more information visit
- The article was originally published on 28 April 2022