Further Rack Protection

Possibly the part of a racking system most vulnerable to forklift damage, it’s important to protect the uprights, frames, and baseplates at the end of storage aisles. Colby Protect-a-RACK End Guards are designed to take the impact and deflect it away from supporting elements of the structure, extending the life of the racking.


Learn more about Colby Pallet Racking solutions, including selective rack and Drive-in rack.

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Countdown’s ColbyRACK stands up to aftershocks without dropping a box. Countdown’s ColbyRACK storage system, designed to cope with the extreme forces generated during seismic events

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It is mandatory for all businesses to have their racking inspected at least once every 12 months, Colby can assist you with your regular “health” checks.

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Get in touch with us today and we will be happy to discuss your storage and accessibility requirements, and to help you design the most efficient storage solution for your business.

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    1800 984 873

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    24 Narabang Way Belrose NSW 2085, Australia